IC London...I See France

28 December 2006

T minus 10

Christmas left me with a little bit less to get for London. I got a new set of blue luggage, the most complete set I've ever had. I used gifts of money to buy a backpack for Europe and some luggage tags. My cell phone is on its way; it should be here soon. I also just ordered the semester's book, Small Island by Andrea Levy, online because Borders didn't have it and it won't come in time. The trip wasn't a complete waste though - I got the cutest planner to stay organized with. I didn't realize it was so thick (448 pages) until I was at the bookstore, though I guess that should give me something to do on the plane. I still have to run around and do some errands, especially picking up traveler's checks and pounds.

10 days until takeoff.

13 December 2006

My Schedule (pronounced in the British manner, if you please)

My registering luck continued, and I got to schedule classes for London before anyone else (to be more accurate, before Rachel even sent out the email). Partly due to boredom, curiosity, and procrastination but mostly due to my impatience, I logged onto Homer "just to see" and, voila!, the classes for London were up. I LOVE my schedule so much right now. Seriously, it is the most wonderful thing EVER, which will probably disappoint me when I come back as a Senior and have no such luck. But, for now, I'm so unbelievably happy.

My Classes in London

Monday - nothing

9.30 - 12.15: Sport Marketing
1.45 - 4.30: Modern British History 1914-Present

10.30 - 1.15: British Pop: Contemporary British Music (for which we get to go see performances!)
1.45 - 4.30: British Youth Culture

Thursday - nothing

Friday - no classes offered

It is a beautiful thing to behold. With Meg's schedule, it looks like we'll both have 4-day weekends just like we planned during freshman year. And because all of my classes are, of course, London- or British-centered, when I'm traveling during all of this free time (!!!), I won't have to feel so bad about not staying in England. Though we'll certainly spend time close to home, Europe is a much greater possibility now!! It's absolutely fabulous!

10 December 2006


I've never really been in a foreign country, and with London less than a month away, I'm getting anxious. Still, I keep telling myself London is less than a month away! It's London, baby! London! And then I'm excited and can't wait for these next four weeks to get over with.

Most of my London adventure is still up in the air; we still haven't chosen our classes for the semester and, of course, we'll have to flat-hunt upon arrival. Meg and I plan to travel as much as possible, so with any luck, picking classes will let us start planning some of our trips. That should happen at some point this week. In our preliminary flat-hunting online, we didn't find anything promising, which prompted us to stop looking online and just wait until we get there. Students do it every semester and they're fine. We'll be fine, too.

I meant to update two days ago (exactly one month prior to departure), but with classes winding down and finals sneaking up, even the weekends are pretty hectic. And as such, here is my introduction entry today instead - those two little paragraphs up top, and the sentences to come.

Going to London is going to be fabulous no matter how conflicted I may be at the moment, and since I plan to be very busy while I'm across the pond, I won't have as much time (or resources) as I would like to be able to update all of my friends and family on my status and adventures. I'm going to try to post as often as possible and will, in all likelihood, end up writing a lot more often than I think I'll be able to. Eventually, once I have some, I'll have a link over on the side to a photo album chock full of pictures to accompany my stories. And, I promise, whenever I get the chance, I'll try to check in with everybody in some other form. In the meantime, however, I encourage comments or questions (which I will try my hardest to respond to in a timely fashion) so I know everyone back home is surviving without me.